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How to Create Your Voicemail Greeting
Your voicemail greeting is an extension of you. Keep your greetings professional to project a positive image.

Write down your greeting ahead of time and practice it a few times before recording it.

Sample Greetings:
  • “Hi, You have reached [your name] at [your company]. I am unable to get to the phone at the moment but if you leave your name and number and a brief message I will get back to you as soon as I can.”
  • “Hi, this is [name]. I’m sorry I cannot take your call right now. Please leave a message with your name and telephone number. I‘ll return your call as soon as I return. Thank you.”
  • “Hello, you have reached the office of [name]. I’m currently on another call and am unable to speak with you personally. If you will leave your name and telephone number, I will return your call. Thank you.”

Sample Out of the Office Greeting:
  • “Hello, this is [name]. I’m unable to answer your telephone call. I am out of the office from [day] to [day] and will not be checking my voice mail. If you require assistance in my absence please contact [contact name] at [contact’s phone number]. Thank you.
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