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How to Respect Your Work Environment
Offices have many types of work environments. Some have open desks, some comprise of enclosed offices and others are cubicle based. Being aware of your surroundings, respecting the work environment and your colleagues’ privacy (as well as them respecting yours) will encourage a positive environment for everyone.

Phone Etiquette
When you are on the phone keep the volume of your voice low. Your colleagues do not want to hear your every conversation! If you have a personal call, keep it short. Try to keep personal calls to a minimum. Do not use the speakerphone option and, finally, try to avoid listening to others’ conversations on the phone.

Keep your desk neat, clean and organised. Keep clutter off your desk. In the break room or kitchen, clean up after yourself. Wash your dishes and wipe any spills. If you have a refrigerator and bring lunch, make sure you throw away any old items. If food is offered in a meeting, tidy away your plate and cup afterwards, and wipe the area you were sitting at.

Personal Habits
Be considerate of others. Dress in an appropriate manner for your office. Do not use profanity or derogative statements. If you listen to the radio at your desk, keep the volume low or use a headset. Actively listen to those who speak to you, and do not interrupt. Keep your personal emotions in check. If upset or angry, and unable to control your emotions, take a walk. While in the office maintain a professional attitude.
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