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How to Avoid Getting Hooked by Phishing
"Phishing" is a word that's used to describe a method of identity theft where conmen use fake emails that looks like they come from legitimate sources. These emails are designed to hoodwink you into giving out personal and financial information. Once the scammers receive your information they use it to either clone your identity or to empty out your bank accounts and run up your credit cards. Here are some tips on how to avoid becoming the next victim:
  • Never respond to an email that looks like it came from your bank or any of your credit card issuers no matter how official it appears. Phishing scam emails will tell you that there is some problem with your account and that you have to click on an embedded link to correct that problem. They may threaten to close your account, or report you to the credit bureau, if you do not respond. Don’t do it! Don't call the telephone number that appears in the email either. Get out one of your old bank or credit card statements and call the number that appears there. Explain what the email says and follow the directions that you receive from the actual employee. Chances are they'll tell you its a scam.
  • Never give your bank account information, credit card numbers, Social Security/National Insurance number, passwords, personal identification numbers (PIN), or date of birth to anyone who asks you for that information by email. No legitimate company will expect you to reveal sensitive information via email. Also, no company that issues you a PIN will ever ask you to reveal that PIN to any of their employees.
  • Never respond to any offer to buy anything by clicking on the link in the email. Even if the email looks like it comes from your favourite department store it might be a scam. To avoid being hooked by phishing, type in the URL to the department store by yourself. Go to to look it up if you don't already know it.
  • Forward copies of any phishing email to the actual company or bank that is being imitated by the scammers. You can usually send any email to postmaster@ and then the bank or company name.
  • If a phishing email seems particularly threatening or worrisome to you, report it to the police.
  • If it's too late and you already provided any of your personal information, account numbers, or PINs then you should immediately contact your banks and credit card companies to make arrangements with them to protect your financial interests. These companies and institutions are familiar with these scams and they know what needs to be done.
  • If you receive evidence of identity theft, such as unauthorised charges on your credit card bills, or unexplained transactions in your bank account, contact the banks and police. Be sure to get a copy of the police report for your own records and to send to the companies that are involved in the transactions.
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