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How to Proofread
  1. If you are proofreading any type of electronic document, print it first. It’s much easier on the eyes to comb over a document in great detail when you are reading a piece of paper.
  2. Look for the obvious formatting errors first. Flip through the pages and check for errors in indents, text alignment and spacing.
  3. Don’t bother fixing spelling mistakes. Let your word processing software do the spell checking for you. But don’t forget to make sure that the word the software selects is the correct one.
  4. Ready slowly and aloud. Listening to the words as you say them can help detect any grammatically oddities that you may have overlooked if you were just scanning the words.
  5. It never hurts to double-check. If you are sending out an important email to many people the last thing you want to do is make a mistake. Don’t be afraid to read something over a second time or third time before its finalised.
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