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Warts And All
If you ask for something Warts And All you require that no attempt be made to cover any defects or hide unsavoury detail. The phrase comes from Oliver Cromwell, the radical parliamentarian who overthrew the English monarchy in the mid-1600s. At the time (as they often do now - especially with digital airbrushing) portrait painters would soften the features of their subjects by removing blemishes and facial lines from their work in order to produce a more flattering image. However, when Cromwell commissioned Sir Peter Levy to paint his portrait, he told the artist that, 'I desire you would use ail your skill to paint my picture truly like I am and not flatter me at all. Remark all these roughness, pimples, warts and everything as you see me, otherwise I will never pay you a farthing for it.' The portrait does include a large wart, just below Cromwell's lower lip.
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