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Plan Ahead For Your Boss
Peer Tip: “I review my boss's calendar and look for ways to be more proactive. For instance, I plan ahead for travel, so we don't have a last minute rush (with a standard checklist of air, limo, hotel, directions/maps, etc.). I review with my boss what file materials will be needed for upcoming trips so that I can have everything ready to go in advance. I research on the internet the people and companies he will be meeting to find the latest news that he should know about or that he might have an interest in reading (i.e. press releases, earnings reports, awards, etc.). When invitations or other dated items come in, I check the calendar before showing my boss, so that I can verify if there are any conflicts. I also actively use my tickler file to keep on top of the thousands of details and I utilise the notes fields in all appointments to track what actions I have taken or still need to take.”
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