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How to Save Time
Your time should be spread among the following areas: planning, taking work breaks, celebrating and reflecting. The following list of time-savers addresses each of these areas. These ideas are designed to encourage saving time, by balancing the use of your time.
  • Write your to-do list. Remember to include no more than five items. You can always remove or add items, as your schedule permits. The purpose of this time-saver is to establish a specific focus for your work day.
  • Choose the highest priority project. List all actions that are necessary to complete that project. Choose one action, complete it and continue through your list. The purpose of this time-saver is maintain the focus of your work day.
  • Use a timer or other device, so that you can focus on completion of your project. Remember that you can also listen to a tape, CD or a radio or television program. Choose the device that is least distracting to you. The purpose of this time-saver is to keep your focus on completing your actions.
  • Use your calendar to schedule time for each project (action by action), as well as for your work breaks and other regular appointments. Give yourself ample time to complete your project. The purpose of the calendar is to clarify priorities, direct long-term planning and increase productivity.
  • Find a work buddy. Call this person, before, during and after you complete a part or all of your project. Share your process and your success. Small business owners greatly benefit from interaction with one another. It's helpful to socialise, problem-solve and celebrate. The purpose of this time-saver is take care of your support needs.
  • Reward yourself after each task is completed. It's important for you to give credit to yourself for what you have accomplished. I've put stickers on my to-do list. I've eaten snacks, made a short phone call or sent an email. I've also looked out my living room window, to rest my eyes and enjoy the view. This time-saver is designed to encourage you to care for your individual needs.
  • Schedule breaks between tasks. Don't wait until you have finished your project. Break your project into a series of actions. Schedule your breaks after completing at least two actions. Working without breaks promotes low productivity and increased errors. The purpose of this time-saver is to promote individual renewal and balance.
  • Finally, keep a notepad nearby. Remember to record the following:
    1. Actions that you would rather take than working on your project.
    2. Reminders, random thoughts or anything else that isn't immediately relevant to your current project.
    3. Any interruptions.
    4. Any other distractions.
    The purpose of recording this information is to look for hidden time-wasters. You can use this information to help increase your productivity and decrease your errors on future projects.
Please note that implementing any or all of these time-savers will increase your efficiency. Choose and implement one for a month. Track your results and see what improvement occurs.

Lael Johnson is the owner of Writer's Eye Advisory Service, and offers creativity coaching services and additional writing resources. For more information visit
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