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How to Take a Message
As straightforward as it sounds, there are some things to remember when taking a message:
  1. Make sure your writing is legible. Print or clearly handwrite the message.
  2. Take down the date and time.
  3. Ask the caller to spell his/her name.
  4. Take down the phone number with area code.
  5. Write the message down.
  6. Repeat the name, number and message back to the caller. This will ensure you are passing on the correct message and not misinterpreting any points.
  7. If the name is unfamiliar or unusual you may want to include a phonetic version. (Example: Caller says his name is Jean Smith, (make the note, Jean pronounced John)
Thanks to voicemail the amount of actual message taking has been greatly reduced in the past few years. But when you do need to take a message, make sure you are giving an accurate and complete message.
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