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How to Hold a Post Conference Meeting
When you hold a post conference meeting you should make sure that the same people who attended the pre conference meeting are present. You should discuss the things that went ok as well as the things that went wrong and review the bills. Feedback from the facility as well as the attendees is very critical. The attendees should give their opinion regarding the content and the format of the program, the speakers, the meeting facility, the meal functions and other special activities.

You should request evaluations right after the end of the meeting when opinions are still fresh and it is easier to collect all this information with your staff still present. If you can’t do this after the meeting, you should mail evaluations and surveys as soon as you are able to so that they are available to the attendees when they return to work.

The meeting “customer” plays a very significant role and feedback from him is very important. It will determine whether meeting goals were met, the financial implications of the meeting and what steps need to be taken to follow up on the results. In order to measure a meeting’s return on investment you should test attendees before and after training to determine how much and what was learned and you should share return on investment information with senior management. You can also file contracts for future meetings and write a thank-you letter to the people that provided services for the meeting (staff, speakers, hotel staff etc). Lastly, you can consider unique goals of individual meetings that could be measured and provide a written report of the meeting for the files and to senior management.
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