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How to Mail Merge
  1. Create the source information in Excel. Use comprehensive headers and set the print range for your data area. Save this document where you can find it again.
  2. Create your target document in Word. Click on Tools, then Mail Merge. With the first button select what you are going to create (labels, letter etc.).
  3. With the second button – Get Data Source – click to open data source (the Excel document will open in the background). A pop up should ask you for the Print Area or Entire Document. Choose Print Area.
  4. Now you are ready to insert merge fields. Under your tool bar at the top will be the "Insert merge field" icon.
  5. Click and the drop down should have your headers from the Excel spreadsheet (such as name or address).
  6. Add fields in the appropriate area of the document. Remember to put spaces and commas (such as between town/city and state/county).
  7. Now click Tools, Mail Merge and click the third button, Merge, and then click Merge again. A new "merged" document will be created so if all doesn't look perfect go to Window and select the source document and made edits and "re-merge".
It seems complicated but once you get through two or three merges you will be a pro. Try a simple address label first (when doing labels be sure to format for the appropriate label number).
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