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How to Type Special Characters for Other Languages in Microsoft Word
Have you ever had to type a word in a foreign language and not been able to include the proper marks? Here is how you can:

à, è, ì, ò, ù: Hit Ctrl + ` (accent grave key) then the letter.
á, é, í, ó, ú: Hit Ctrl + ‘ (apostrophe key), then the letter.
ä, ë, ï, ö, ü, ÿ: Hit Ctrl + Shift + : (colon key) then the letter.
â ê î ô û: Hit Ctrl + Shift + ^ (caret key), then the letter.
Ñ: Hit Ctrl + Shift + ~ (tilde key), then the vowel/letter.

If you often type words or names with these special characters, the short cuts will be second nature in no time at all.
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