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How to Deal With an Angry or Irate Caller
When you have a caller who is angry, actively listen to what the problem is before going into defence mode. Try to decipher why the caller is unhappy. Understand it is not “you” they are angry with but a particular situation.

Stay even toned and calm. Do not show irritation in your voice. If you are able to help the caller solve their issue, state the solution and answer any questions. If you are unable, and the caller is still angry, repeat the problem so the caller is aware you understand the problem. Tell the caller you will find out who can help solve this issue and you will get back to them as soon as you can. Find out who can resolve or explain the issue and have that person call back.

Establish the guidelines within your company. But, at times, irate callers will go beyond an angry call. At times a caller may be so emotional and angry they go into a verbally abusive mode. It is best to calmly explain to the caller, you understand their frustration but you will discuss their issues when they can converse in a mature non-abusive matter. Hang up and document the call for future reference.
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