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How to Choose Audiovisual Equipment

Professional speakers are likely to request a microphone to use on site. Usually they tend to prefer wireless over hardwired microphones without realizing the significant cost difference between the two. Although there are no specific rules, there are various ways to determine whether a Microphone is actually needed:
  • If the number of people in the room is less than 60, a microphone is only needed if the speaker wants to record his presentation. If the session is not being audio taped, a microphone is only required if the ceiling height is 15 feet or more, or the speaker has a soft voice. You may need to order a microphone if the speaker is presenting a multi-day seminar.
  • If there is a large group where the audience participates, then microphones are needed for the audience as well as mixers to control the volume of the different microphones
  • Microphones are highly recommended if the number of people in the room is greater than 60. Even though some speakers don’t require a microphone for groups up to 100 people, it is usually difficult for people sitting in the back to hear over various background noises.
  • Standing microphones are not essential if the number of people in the room is less than 100
Audio Mixers

Audio mixers are needed when four or more microphones are required or when a cassette player, VCR, CD player, or computer sound is connected to a public address (PA) system. Usually the need for an audio mixer varies from AV company to AV company and facility to facility.

Audio mixers connect microphones, CD players, VCRs, cassette players and computers to a PA system in order to allow control over the volume of each one of these pieces of equipment. The four-channel model is the most commonly used audio mixer. It can connect four different audio devices (such as an amplifier, a podium microphone, a standing microphone and a computer) to the PA system. If more than 4 audio devices are needed then additional four-channel audio mixers or an audio mixer with more inputs can be used.

External PA Systems

Most hotels and convention centres have built-in PA systems in their meeting rooms unless the room is smaller than 1000 square feet. If you decide to make use of the available built-in PA system then you only need to pay for the microphone and perhaps a mixer.

Sometimes you may need to use an external PA system especially for award banquets or special events where elaborate AV presentations with stereo or rich sound are needed. External PA systems involve renting speakers, an amplifier, a mixer and microphones which require up to several thousand dollars a day depending on the group size and the need for quality sound.

  1. If you want to eliminate feedback you need to turn down the volume of the microphone, use an audio mixer, or turn off the PA speakers above the area where the main microphones are located
  2. Make sure to test the acoustics with a microphone before the presentation, especially in a non-carpeted room
  3. Flipcharts cost around . Keep in mind when ordering one that you are buying the flipchart pad which lasts a week (depending on how frequently is used) and costs and you are renting the hardback easel which costs . So, if you need a flipchart for 4 days you won’t be charged per day, totalling 0, but per day (for the hardback easel) plus a one-time charge of (for the pad), totalling . In other words you save .
  4. You should always ask for back-up equipment to be available on site at no charge. Ask to have a technician outside the room to stand by for problems.
  5. Make sure the facility doesn’t have any audio-visual policies or restrictions
  6. The 35mm projector bulbs should be kept on except during long breaks. The only time a bulb blows is when it is turned on.
  7. If you need to use draping for rear projection don’t assume that the AV company will place heavy weight on the bases that hold up the pipe and drape in the air. A drape which is elevated 12 to 16 feet becomes top-heavy and unstable.
  8. Try to stay within budget. Keep in mind that choosing the cheapest audio visual equipment is not always the best solution.
  9. Making the right AV decisions will come with experience. Try to find an AV company you can trust and that will give you the best guidance.
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