Meeting Room Designs
Theatre Style, Classroom Style, Banquet Style and U-Shape Style what are they and which different meeting situations for which you might want to use each style.
Theatre Style
seating consists of several rows of chairs facing the front of the room.
This arrangement works best for formal presentations, where participants
are focused on the presenter. Because there are no tables, this arrangement
isn't conducive to taking notes or working on a laptop. Since participants
can't easily take notes in a theatre-style arrangement, you should make
the presentation available to attendees in written or electronic format.
This style is one of the best for large groups, but it should also be noted that some people are uncomfortable without a desk or table in front of them.
Classroom Style
classroom-style setup uses long, narrow tables placed in front of rows
of chairs - all facing the speaker. This setup is ideal for formal presentations
in front of medium-sized to large groups where the audience is expected
to take notes. Using the tables, participants can write notes, work on
their laptops or use PDAs. Surge protectors and extension cords should
be strategically placed so that they are available to everyone, but not
in the way. The presenter can use either a screen or an interactive whiteboard
with his computer.
Banquet Style
banquet-style setup consists of several tables scattered throughout the
room. This setup is perfect for small breakout sessions or collaborative
work groups. You shouldn't use this style for very large groups or seminars
where speakers or presenters will be setup at the front of the room. Smaller
groups usually work best with this style of room.
U-Shape Style
A U-shaped arrangement is ideal if participants need to see the front of the room and work in small groups. Because this style is conducive to both formal presentations and collaborative work, it combines the best of both worlds. Meeting or seminar participants can comfortably watch presentations in the front of the room, while still maintaining contact with the people around them.