Work Diaries

Sent in by Karen Bellows Page, CPS

Make Outlook work for you!

The journal function in outlook will track every document you create, every website you visit and tell you how much time you spent there.  Outlook journal has several ways to view your journal, time line or category to name a few.  I have categories made for each project, direct report and admin functions.   Once a day or every several days I categorize the journal entries and add to my 2003 Journal folder, if kept up this only takes a few minutes (use telephone hold time).  This makes it easy to go to a direct report with time spent on specific projects as you can print out your journal or import into excel.  Also near the end of each month I add to my "Employment Notes" on what accomplishments I achieved this month.  At the end of the year or before review time, I polish these notes (from outlook journal) and present to my direct report.  This made writing my review very easy for direct report - who greatly appreciated it and as you might guess I "aced" my review.

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