Four Tips for Writing to the Sick

Although nothing beats a visit for those that are bedridden either in a hospital or at home one of the greatest pleasures would be receiving a letter from a friend. A letter or greeting card in between visits will always be appreciated.

The following are four tips that can be followed when writing:

Don't be brief
We are usually advised to keep letters brief and to the point but in this instance, the longer the letter, the better. The invalid or convalescent has a great deal of time on their hands and will enjoy having this contact with someone. Even if they only feel up to reading only part of the letter at a time, they will have something to look forward to and finish reading.

Easy to read
Because the energy level of an invalid or convalescent is likely to be low make sure you letter is easy to read - don't make them work any harder than necessary. If your handwriting isn't easily legible, print the letter in large, easy-to-read characters. If you type your letter be sure to double-space your lines but always sign it off with a personalised signature.

Keep your letter cheerful but don't run into the trivial. Make comments on the person's own situations and ask questions as you would in a conversation even if the invalid is not able to write a reply.

If the invalid is going to be confined for some time and you're worried that your life routines make for poor material for an interesting series of letters, consider sending clippings from newspapers and magazines that you think will be of interest. Jokes, humorous columns and even serious articles will help make them feel a part of the world and is a good morale builder.

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