Networking: Creating A Whirlwind That Pulls You Forward

Whatever your dream, you alone will not accomplish it. If it’s taking classes to become a massage therapist, or figuring out how to work from home, you will require a network of people who will help you make important connections. Those connections could be introductions to other people. They could be opportunities and information that may provide direction or open your eyes to possibilities you never knew existed.

By Mary Kurek

Can you afford not to always be looking to expand your network? No – because expanding your network means expanding your life. When you expand your life, you make space for dreams to happen. Most of us do network expansion by happenstance – when a project requires us to make a call, or a dinner puts us next to someone new. What if you made network expansion part of your daily or weekly life and looked for opportunities to make those connections? You will create a whirlwind of activity that will put you at the center and begin drawing all kinds of interesting (and sometimes unexpected) people and situations to you. The results can be astounding. Here’s a recent experiment to ponder: I took two days and emailed or faxed 22 friends/acquaintances in my current network, telling them that I was expanding my network. They were asked to look through their rolodexes for people they thought I should know. All of these people knew my personality and occupation. My request included what type of people I wanted to attract for this experiment, ie: successful, motivated, open and people-oriented. In some cases, specific industry types were requested. Within two weeks, there were 14 responses, out of which came a useful marketing tip and 11 names and phone numbers. The quality of the new contacts was incredible, ranging from producers, speakers and recording artists to retired pro football players. Follow- up with the new contacts included phone conversations or lunch, and a swapping of business information. It was great, but what was happening during the period of this networking project was even more fabulous – the whirlwind began widening. For instance, I was asked to serve on a local board of directors and also on a town government committee. There were colleagues offering opportunities, and an invitation to an event hosted by a dynamic philanthropist. And then, there was the phone call that informed us of an unexpected inheritance. Now, some of the things that occurred during this period were directly associated with the networking project and some weren’t. But, weren’t they? The whirlwind effect is very empowering and lifts you above the normal minutia of everyday life. Things out of the ordinary suddenly have room to move in and you become very magnetic.

Can you do this? Sure -- here are some tips:

Review your current network – friends, business associates, etc. Personally ask for an introduction to anyone in their network they think may be of interest to you. Be specific.

Select some new network “candidates” for the outstanding networks they possess. (You can gain access to them as well.)
    • Never assume someone is unreachable. Try anyway.
    •  Follow up with new contacts: email an introduction; then set up a phone conversation, meeting, etc. Stay in touch periodically, asking for advice, information on opportunities or someone from their network.
    • Always thank your contacts. A handwritten note works; include an offer to share someone from your network.
    • Networking opens doors to possibilities, making life interesting and rich with wonder. Embrace it and create the whirlwind.

Mary Kurek, Atlantic Beach, NC
Mary is Networking Coach who helps performers of all types to market their talents. You can find out how to experience a complimentary private session by phone with Mary and more by visiting her site at:

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