Offline Promotion: 45 Places Your URL Should Be Seen or Heard

By William Montgomery

1. Answering Machine
2. Address labels
3. Billboards
4. Brochures
5. Business Cards
6. Catalogs
7. CD ROM Presentations
8. Christmas Cards
9. Classifieds
10. Company/Personal Cars
11. Coupons
12. Co-Workers
13. Checks
14. Envelopes
15. Existing customers
16. Fax sheets
17. Flyers
18. Freebies & Giveaways
19. Friends
20. Interviews
21. Invoices
22. Leaflets
23. Media Kits
24. Newsletters
25. Newspaper Ads
26. On Hold Messages
27. Packaging
28. Personal Mail
29. PhoneBook Listings
30. Postcards
31. Posters
32. Press Releases
33. Print Ads
34. Products
35. Promotional Materials
36. Radio Ads
37. Receipts
38. Reorder Forms
39. Sales Letters
40. Stationery
41. Storefront
42. Television Ads
43. Trade Shows
44. Uniforms & Hats
45. Your Home

Here's a couple of Bonus Tips and Ideas!

A. Contact Radio & TV Stations and offer to write a Free "advice or tips" column.

B. Join Your Local Chamber of Commerce and other Commerce related organizations.

C. Schedule free offline classes and teach people how to use their computer, software or navigate the Internet.

D. Write a tips booklet and offer to mention each business in the booklet for letting you drop them off for counter or bagging distribution.

E. Offer to speak for free at conferences, meetings, or seminars, then make sure your hand outs include details about your website, ezine, and subscription instructions.

F. Add an insert with your URL into every piece of mail that goes out of your house or business.

G. Donate products or services to raffles with your URL mentioned with/instead of your company or name.

H. Webdecals are a new, inexpensive and fun way to attract attention to your website. People absolutely love them, and they are very simple to use. Webdecals are made of high quality vinyl and printed with state of the art digital equipment. Display your website address and more in bold white or black & white letters. People stick them everywhere. In your car windows, store, office and home windows, any place with glass!

I. ID-It Plates: These Elegant mini-Billboards promote YOU 365 days a year, enhance the appearance of your vehicles, last for years and most important, give you literally Millions of Impressions over their lifetime.

Register your Ezine or Ebook FREE at Today! "YOU" get valuable exposure to your to Submit your Article, Ezine or Ebook Information!
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