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How to Take Care of Your Eyes
Blinking is the fastest reflex in the body; we usually blink at a rate of about 12–15 times a minute in normal situations. This rate increases if we’re excited, stimulated, anxious, talking or doing general physical activity, and decreases when we’re quiet, reading, thinking or concentrating.

Blinking allows our eyes to rest for a short time. It also cleans and re-wets the eye’s surface to maintain clear vision. Because blinking is so automatic, it might take some concentration at first to make sure we maintain a normal blink rate while working at a terminal. Just being aware of this concern will allow us to blink more normally.

Our entire body is governed by the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide from the breathing process. When our activities are stressful, we tend to hold our breath and forget to breathe easily. Correct and steady breathing can relax our whole body and the eye muscles as well.

Take Breaks
  • Micro-break: This is a short break of about ten seconds, taken ideally once every ten minutes or so. Look far away from your terminal (at least 20 feet) and breathe and blink easily. Keep your eyes moving while looking at objects at different distances. This should not interfere with your work or your concentration.
  • Mini-break: Take a mini-break every hour for about five minutes. Stand up and stretch and also exercise your eyes.
  • Maxi-break: This could be a coffee break or lunch but, essentially, it's a time to get up and move around. This will encourage the flow of blood around your body and this kind of break should be taken every few hours.
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