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What are Eye Injuries?
Nowadays, people use their eyes for a large amount of close work contrary to what people used to do in the past. Our ancestors used their eyes predominantly for distance work, and this remained unchanged for 40,000 years in our evolution.

Especially after computers were introduced, researchers confirmed a shift towards near-sightedness in our society. Using a computer is very different to reading a book. The former activity involves staring a computer screen for hours while the latter involves looking at a piece of white paper with black letters.

Also, a book is usually placed at least 14’’ away and held in a lowered position. So, when reading a book, the eye is at a normal position which is not the case when looking at the terminal. The straight-ahead position used by computer users is unnatural. The muscles in the eye need to fight one another to achieve a balance and maintain a visually correct image. This can result in fatigue, eyestrain, or headaches.

Another issue with computers is glare in office environments due to improperly positioned lamps, fluorescent lights, highly reflective surfaces, or any illuminated object. The glass surface of a computer screen can be very reflective and the eyes are very susceptible to glare especially when they are in the straight ahead position.
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