Make the Most of the Job You Have - the Top Five Ways

Maybe you're not in the job of your dreams. Now what? Here are the top 5 ways to make the most of the job you have.

By Joanne Vitali

Woman SmilingOkay, so maybe you're not in the job of your dreams. Now what? How do you get by until your dream job shows up? Here are the top 5 ways to make the most of the job you have. And, who knows? If you do them all, you could wake up one day and realize you already are in the job of your dreams.

1. Know you are being paid what you deserve

There is nothing worse than the inkling that you are underpaid. Thoughts like these will make even a great job seem not so great. Find out what others with your title and experience are paid. Internet sites are great for this or a friend in human resources could help you out.

2. Develop a better relationship with your boss

Even it things are not currently so fabulous with your boss, make an effort to find out what he or she is all about: what are they concerned about on and off the job, how can you make them look good, what is important to them? If you have a good relationship with your boss, your work life will be so much easier. New opportunities can come your way and, if you have personal troubles, a concerned boss is priceless.

3. Make a list of the reasons you like your job and pin it up in full-view

There must be a few things about your job that you like: the steady pay check, the free coffee, etc. Whatever they are, these reasons can buoy you up when other aspects are getting you down.

4. Make a list of the reasons you hate your job and see if you can change or eliminate any of them

You must have a goal in mind before you can reach it. What's yours? A lot of people complain about long hours without ever making a real attempt to change the situation. Some don't even bring up their long hours to their boss. They just expect them to know. Some keep on working the hours day after day, never considering what might happen if they took a firm stand and decided to work no more than a set number of hours per week. You must set boundaries in your life. Consider what your boundaries are.

5. Take advantage of educational opportunities or assignments that would make your job more worthwhile and you more valuable

Take classes; go to conferences for your industry; obtain certifications and licences. When and if you do jump ship, you will take with you all you have learned.

Joanne Vitali has worked with everyone from the Shuttle astronauts to corporate executives. Her expertise is in helping people figure out 'what they want to be when they grow up' and doing what they love. She is a certified career coach and has the unusual background of a Physics degree and MBA. For a complimentary career consultation, more help with your resume and notices of free teleclasses, subscribe to her ezine by visiting

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